Monday, March 11, 2019

Pregnancy Update

Hey guys,

So long no blog post?!  I thought I would pop on here to update you all on how my pregnancy is going this far. Yesterday (Sunday) I just turned 23 weeks, which seems crazy to think about since I was only about 5 weeks when I got my first positive hpt.  I've been to the doctor three times so far and everything looks great. I'm told I'm young and healthy, so that was good to hear. I've been to 2 ultrasounds. The first one at 9 weeks, 4 days and then at 21 weeks to find out the gender which will be in a future post. My pregnancy has been going good so far besides the fact that in the first trimester, I pretty much had all day sickness instead of the typical "morning sickness". I'm glad I'm out of the first trimester. About two weeks ago I want to say is when I first started feeling flutters in my uterus and this past week, I've started feeling the baby's kicks with my hand and was able to capture some movement on my phone.

The next pregnancy update will be where I announce if I'm having a daughter or a son, so keep an eye out for that. Let me know in the comments, what's your guess is :)

<3 Amanda