Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Walk Out OR Walk Up

 ( https://www.pinterest.com/pin/556757572657901578/ )

Hey guys,

I know that this isn't' really a recent topic but at the same time it is.  There has unfortunately been school shootings every few weeks it feels like. That's when the big debate of "Walk Out OR Walk Up" came upon.  People think that having teachers carry guns in schools will help decrease the number of shootings but what if a student overcomes a teacher and gets a hold of the gun? Yes, other teachers could have their own gun but if it's just one teacher per class like it normally is then it might be still too late for help to arrive.

I was personally against Walking Out the day it happened and was 110% for Walking Up.  Walking Out won't really do anything in my opinion. Yes, the government will see students and others walk out but they will still do whatever they want to do because they are the government. Walking Out also took learning time out. Even though, it was only for 17 minutes each minute is valuable because everyone wants a good education and want to learn as much as they can.  If I was a student, I would remain in my seat and watch others walk out even if I was told to walk out, I wouldn't. This reminded me of our senior prank where all the seniors planned to walk out of first hour at a particular time. The time came and I remained in my seat along with another senior (and a few others who weren't seniors). They came back after a few minutes and our teacher was pissed. He made us do an additional assignment just because they walked out. The rest of the day, all of the teachers were not happy with us because of them walking out of class. That just show how others make you end up in trouble when you didn't do anything and you were the good student.

 ( https://www.pinterest.com/nolaalma/bullying/ )

I am all for Walking Up to students who might be picked on, bullied and sit alone. I have sadly been bullied all throughout my school years. Bullying needs to end because it does absolutely no good to anyone. I'm tired of seeing posts on Facebook about young kids especially committing suicide because they were getting bullied and think it's the best way of ending getting bullied because it's not.  It's sad to read because they had their whole life ahead of them and now they won't have a future. Kids are getting bullied because of how they dress, act, talk and etc. Who cares if someone dress or talk different than you? That's what makes all of us unique because it would be a boring world if everyone was exactly the same.

I am an advocate for anti-bullying so if you or anyone need someone to talk to, feel free to send me a e-mail and I will e-mail you back . I will try to help you as best as I can because I have been through your shoes before and wished there were more people that I could turn to when I was younger.

<3 Amanda

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