Thursday, December 28, 2017

What I Learned In My 26 Years

Hey guys,

Today is my 27th birthday (Happy Birthday To Me!).  There are so many things that I have learned in my past 26 years of life. Not only school related but also things along the lines of me.  I've learned to accept myself for who I am and learned to express my flaws because that's what makes me me. I also learned that I'm better than how some people have treated me in the past especially ex-boyfriends. I have learned that I will have my bad days where I just want to break down and cry and that's perfectly fine to have because that's what makes me human. I have also learned that I have many friends (some that I consider family) and family who are always there for me. This year started out tough as I was still dealing with being ditched by an ex-boyfriend but I know that the end of this year will be a great one as I'll be spending time with my boyfriend and his family  <3

<3 Amanda 

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