Friday, May 5, 2017

Mother's Day Gift Ideas


Hey guys,

Mother's Day is coming up shortly. I thought I would complied a list of gift ideas that you could give to your mom.  What are you doing for your mom on Mother's Day?

  1. Her favorite flowers
  2. A simple Thank you card
  3. Her favorite candy or snacks
  4. A hug
  5. A spa basket (lotion, bath bombs, etc).
  6. A movie basket (her favorite movie on DVD, chocolate/candy and popcorn)
  7. Breakfast in bed
  8. Dinner out
  9. Make dinner for her
  10. Make her some sort of baked good (brownies, cookies, cake,etc).

If you're a mother, happy early Mother's Day to you!

<3 Amanda 


  1. Thanks for this! With Mother's Day around the corner I'm always in need of inspiration for presents, I like the movie basket!
